Year 5 are currently studying the American artist Wayne Thiebaud (1920-2021). Wayne Thiebaud was famous for his colourful paintings of mouth-watering cakes, pies, pastries, and everyday items. In our last lesson, Year 5 have created a famous piece of his artwork.

Painted in 2002, Wayne Thiebaud’s ‘Jolly Cones’ is a late exploration of the nostalgic American-ism of confectionery and candy that the artist became so known for throughout his career.

His artwork is a popular collectors item. In July 2020, his painting Four Pinball Machines (1962) sold for $19,135,000 at Christie’s. This set a record for the most expensive price ever paid for a work by Thiebaud at auction.

Whilst our artwork will not fetch $19,000,000 at auction, it put a massive smile on Miss Allen’s face as she thinks they are wonderful! Well done Year 5. If you search for ‘Jolly Cones’ by Wayne Thiebaud online, you will see how close to the original our artwork is!