On Monday 27th November, we were joined by some of our Parents at our Year 3 Workshop. The workshop focused on formal written methods of addition and subtraction with exchange. It was brilliant to see how well the children were engaged with their learning alongside their parents, using whiteboards and base 10 to model the process of exchange when working with 3-digit numbers. Miss Rowlands, the parents and the children all thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn together in our school hall! 

Here are some of the comments made by our families:

‘I enjoyed the workshop and found it really useful’. 

‘It will help me to support my child with their Maths at home’.

‘It was a good reminder of how to work with my child using formal methods, and now I can confidently help them at home using the same methods she uses in class’. 

‘The workshop enabled me to understand the terminology used in modern approaches’.