In Year 3 and 4 Computing Club we have begun to develop our coding skills using Scratch. This week we programmed a ‘sprite’ (character) to move up, down, left and right.

We worked in pairs to choose our sprite and select a backdrop. Then we added in our code. When the up arrow is pressed we change y by 10. This means our sprite goes up. When the down arrow is pressed we change y by -10. This means our sprite goes down. When the right arrow key is pressed we changed x by 10. When the left arrow key is pressed we changed x by -10.

We selected a backdrop for our character. We had football fields, artic caves and even space! Once we had programmed our first sprite we then added in a second sprite. This time we programmed the second sprite to follow the mouse pointer and to move where the mouse moved.

At the end of the session we had time to test our projects so far. We had fun developing our coding skills.