Acorn class have enjoyed reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ We have linked our music lesson with the story by using the African drums. We played the drums by representing animals, for an elephant we had to stomp, for a snake we slithered our hands over the drum and for a monkey we used two hands at the same time to jump on the drum. We had lots of fun playing the drums and then dancing to African music.

In our PE lessons we have been doing gymnastics and we have learnt some moves such as pike, star jump, straddle, tuck shape and straight shape. We used the apparatus to imagine we were in a woodland and we had to jump off like a frog, we jumped through the hoops like a rabbit and moved along the benches like a straight snake.

In the role play area, which is set up as a cafe, we have been taking each others orders and serving food. We can write the orders down so we remember what food to make. We have enjoyed drinking pretend tea and eating cakes.