In the Acorn class we have been learning about fruit and vegetables, we have read lots of stories about growing your own fruit and vegetables so we decided in our science lesson to plant cress seeds. We discussed how to plant seeds and what we have to do to look after them. Alexis said ‘put water and soil in them to make them grow into plants and they like the sun.’ We used our yoghurt pots, some wool and sprinkled in the cress seeds, to finish off we had to give them a little bit of water.

Within a few days the cress started to grow and we have been watching it carefully and we are proudly showing just how much they have grown in only a few days. We know me must continue to water them before we can enjoy eating them!

During the week the children have also been exploring the maths area where they can weigh objects, build and count. We have also learnt about 2D shapes, we have learnt the names of them and the properties. We have been using shapes to makes pictures. We have also been learning how to combine shapes to make new shapes. Oliver said ‘two triangles can make a diamond.’ Can you think of any others?