In our Maths lessons, we have been looking at length and perimeter. We have spent lots of time looking at how to use mm, cm and m to measure different items. 

We have also started to recognise equivalent lengths. We know that there are 10mm in 1cm and there are 100cm in 1m! This means that we have had to be counting in our 10s and 100s a lot. We completed an activity from Teach Active to compare lengths. 

Outside, we worked in table groups to measure our jumps. Some of us recorded our measurements using cm, for example 130cm, and some of us recorded them using m and cm, for example 1m and 30cm. Our next task was to get in order from the smallest jump to the greatest jump! We all worked as a team to do this quickly. However, things got even trickier when Miss Rowlands asked us to compare lengths as a whole class! We had to focus on our communication skills to order all 29 of us correctly, but we did it!