After a slightly wet and soggy walk, we were warmly welcomed into St Alphege Church where we listened to The Easter Story. 

There were sad parts of the story but also joyful parts when we realised Jesus had come back to life and been resurrected. The children listened intently and carefully. It was extremely calm, peaceful and tranquil in the Church. 

We learnt about how Jesus washed his disciples feet and then Miss Beacom had the pleasure of washing Brody’s feet! Jesus did this to show that no one is too important to show acts of kindness.

We learnt about all the sacrifices Jesus made and reflected on things we are thankful for or things we may be worried about. We wrote these down on strips of paper and then left them in the Chapel. The Chapel is a safe space where the Priest sometimes goes to reflect and say prayers to help people share their worries with Jesus. 

Austin – ‘I enjoyed listening to the stories. It was calm and peaceful in the Church.’

Alice – ‘I enjoyed the drawing and meditation.’

Aran – ‘The most important part to me was meditating to the music. I also enjoyed visiting the Chapel.’ 

Steven – ‘Writing down what we were thankful for was a nice thing to do.’ 

The Church were kind enough to give the children a special envelope. In the envelopes there were two sticks, some wool and a balloon. This was so the children could make their own cross. The balloon was to celebrate and remember Jesus on Easter Sunday. 

Thank you to the volunteers at St Alphege for allowing us to visit your beautiful Church. We had a lovely time!