Well what wonder celebration of Science we have had this week! We took part in two science activities on two different areas of science. First we looked at Space- in Year 1 we do not look in depth at space so this week we projected the solar system and space onto the ceiling of the class room. The children absolutely loved looking at space and asked so many fantastic questions, I wonder if at home you can find out the answers:

  • How long does it take to travel to and from the moon?
  • How long do stars last? Do they burn out?
  • Which is the biggest planet?
  • Which planet has the most moons?
  • How many planets are in total?
  • Do the planets float?

Our second activity involved plants. In the summer term we will look more closely at the topic of plants. This week we looked at where plants grow and why they might not grow in certain areas. So we explored our school outdoor areas and decided where might be best to plant some flowers. We then designed a new map of the playground labeling where we would but plants to create pretty spots.