The children in Oak class this week have had a particular focus on their Latin learning. Mrs Turner set them a homework to research all about the legend of the Trojan Horse. Here are some of their fantastic end results. I am sure you will agree that these children put a lot of time and care into their work during the Easter holidays.

Following this, the children have been learning about the history of Boudica. Using Latin vocabulary, the children began by decoding the story. Then we discussed how the Romans managed to overpower the Iceni tribe, even though their were heavily outnumbered. Here are some of the children’s fantastic drawings along with the story. I wonder how many Latin words you can translate!

It is Britannia 60 C.E. Boudica is regina of the Iceni tribe who habitant in the east of the country. Her husband the King has just died and the Romans are treating the Iceni male,taking their land and stealing their villas

Curo my people!” thinks Regina Boudicairate. The Romans believe that because she is a femina, she cannot fight back. How wrong they are!

Regina Boudica fortiter picks up he gladium and gathers fighters. On foot and in chariots drawn by equi, they attack and destroy the town and villas of many Romans living in Britannia

The fearsome Roman general Suetonius videt the destruction and marches celeriter to fight Regina Boudica. 

The mighty Roman forces facile crush Boudica and her fighters, claiming a triumphant victoria. The brave regina chooses to die rather than fall into her enemy’s clutches.