During Spring 2, Year 5 designed and made their own pop-up books. Our target audience were Reception children and we had to design our book based upon one of the following nursery rhymes: Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty or Incy Wincy Spider.

The children created designs for 4 pages, a front cover and a back cover. On each page they needed to have a moving mechanism. This could be a pop-up, include a lever, make something spin using a split pin or a hidden element under a flap.

Our designs needed to be bright and colourful. They needed to appeal to our target audience. The mechanism on each page needed to be durable.

Once we had completed our books, we had the chance to share them with our target audience. We read our partners our stories and they had the opportunity to make the mechanisms move. The Reception children enjoyed our books and could see the care we had taken to create them.